'I am pleased with the execution of our strategy and the strong financial and non-financial results achieved in 2024.'

Jos BaetenCEORead the full message

icon Message of the CEO

Company profile

Company profile

a.s.r. is a leading insurer in the Netherlands based on market share. a.s.r. helps customers in sharing risks and accumulating wealth for the future. It offers services and products in the areas of insurance, pensions, and mortgages for consumers, entrepreneurs, and employers. Additionally, a.s.r. is active as an asset manager, also for third parties. a.s.r. is listed on Euronext Amsterdam and included in the AEX. a.s.r.’s headquarters are in Utrecht, with additional locations in Enschede, Groningen, Heerlen and Leeuwarden.1,2

1 As of 1 January 2025.
2 In addition to the displayed locations on the map, a.s.r. has several more locations in: Amsterdam (Corins), Velserbroek (D&S Holding) Zaandam (Robidus). Furthermore, the intermediaries and mandated agents are spread out throughout the country.

Company profile

Key figures

On 27 June 2024, a.s.r. presented its growth strategy and ambitious goals for the 2024–2026 period. The successful acquisition of Aegon NL has been a key moment in a.s.r.’s ambition to create a leading insurer in the Netherlands. The new strategy builds on a.s.r.’s strong track record and expresses the confidence management has in capturing the opportunities in the Dutch market.
The group and business targets, financial and non-financial, and the progress made in 2024 are reflected here.

This web version of the 2024 Annual Report of ASR Neederland N.V. is not in the European single electronic reporting format (ESEF) as specified in the RTS on ESEF (Regulation (EU) 2019/815).The 2024 Annual Report was made publicy available pursuant to section 5:25c of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op financieel toezicht), and was filed with Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets in European single electronic reporting format (the ESEF package). The ESEF package is available on www.asrnl.com and includes a human readable XHMTL version of the 2024 Annual Report. In any case of discrepancies between this web version and the ESEF package, the latter prevails.

Financial statementsNon-financial statements
Premiums P&C and Disability(in million)3,9682023: 3,540
IFRS net result(in million)9462023: 1,086
Total assets(in billion)138.62023: 150.8
Operating result(in million)1,4282023: 973
Operating return on equity(in%)13.12023: 11.6
Total equity(in million)9,8332023: 9,377
Total capital return(in million)8792023: 610
Contractual service margin(in million)5,6752023: 5,168
Pension DC inflow(in million)2,7682023: 2,070
Pension buy-out(in million)692023: 0
Combined ratio P&C & Disabilty(in %)
Solvency II Ratio(in %)
Organic capital creation(in million)
Dividend per share(in €)
Market capitalisation(in billion)9.72023: 9.0
Share buy back(in million)1002023: 0
Net Promoter Score (NPS-r)(-100 to 100)-112023: -9
Carbon footprint reduction(in %)52023: base year
Impact investments(in % of total AuM)8.72023: 7.1
Employee engagement(in percentile)732023: 89
Sustainable reputation(in %)392023: 39
Market position #22023: #2
Customer base(in million)4.52023: 4.3
Employees(in FTE)7,3732023: 7,994
Gender diversity(in % of total management)322023: 29

Sustainability Statements

As per reporting year 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into effect, including the reporting requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) on all material sustainability matters regarding impacts, risks and opportunities related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. The sustainability statements also include the EU Taxonomy disclosures.

More information on CSRD