Annual Report 2022
Material topics and SDGs

a.s.r.’s strategy is aimed at sustainable long-term value creation for all stakeholders. The determination of the material topics is based on a consultation of main stakeholders and on the definitions of materiality drawn up by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The main stakeholders of a.s.r., customers, employees, investors and society, as well as the consultation method, are described in chapter 2.6, together with an explanation of how stakeholders are included in the determination of material topics for this Annual Report.

The material topics for a.s.r. are presented in the table below. The glossary includes a brief explanation of how a.s.r. has an impact on these topics, as well as their reciprocal impact on a.s.r. (based on the double materiality perspective). All material topics included are deemed relevant based on the results of the materiality analysis, the topics are therefore not prioritised.

The key performance indicators (KPIs), targets and results linked to the topic are also shown with reference to the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 SDGs represent a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve political and economic stability globally. a.s.r. has identified six SDGs relating to its integrated business strategy, to which it contributes most as a sustainable and socially engaged insurer, investor and employer. SDGs 1, 3, 7, 8, 13 and 15 are the most closely connected to a.s.r.’s strategy. The Executive Board (EB) and Supervisory Board (SB) are regularly informed of the progress being made on material topics, KPIs and targets. See chapter 5 for more information.