Annual Report 2022
Key management personnel remuneration

Transactions with key management personnel (EB, BEC members and SB) are transactions with related parties. Additional information on the remuneration of members of the EB and SB is disclosed in the remuneration report; see chapter 5.3.

Annual remuneration key management personnel
Amounts in thousandsExecutive boardBEC members1Supervisory boardTotal 2022Executive board2BEC members1Supervisory board3Total 2021
Fixed compensation
Base salary2,3883,0801905,6582,2792,2472054,730
Fringe benefits455177-23244128-172
Variable compensation
One-year variable--------
Multi-year variable--------
Extraordinary items--------
Pension expense5489677-1,165473486-959
Total remuneration2,9323,9332787,1432,7962,8612925,949
  • 1 Four directors joined the BEC and three directors left the BEC in 2022. In 2021 four directors joined the BEC. The remuneration figures reflect a partial year as a member of the BEC.
  • 2 Ewout Hollegien was appointed as CFO and member of the EB of a.s.r. on 1 December 2021. Annemiek van Melick stepped down as member of the EB of a.s.r. on 12 October 2021. The remuneration figures for 2021 reflect a partial year as a member of the EB
  • 3 Remuneration as a SB member of a.s.r. and remuneration as a committee chair or member of the SB of a.s.r. PPI or SB of ASR Basis / Aanvullende Ziektekostenverzekeringen N.V. J.G. Wijn was appointed as chair of the SB on 19 May 2021. C. van der Pol left the SB as of 19 May 2021. The remuneration figures for 2021 reflect a partial year as a member of the SB.
  • 4 Variations arise as a result of the fiscal treatment of lease vehicles depending on the price and private use of the car, personal allowance and social security.
  • 5 The annual pension expenditure is based on a premium table. Further changes in the cost of pension benefits are mainly due to the impact of age. The pension costs include DC pensions based on maximum pensionable salary cap, compensation for the maximum pensionable salary cap (to be used for pensions at the employees’ discretion), and VPL.

In the table above, ‘Executive Board’ refers to the three members of the EB as at 31 December 2022. The three members of the EB are also members of the BEC. In the table above, ‘BEC’ refers to the nine (2021: eight) members of the BEC as at 31 December 2022, i.e. those members that are not also member of the EB in the table above.