Annual Report 2022
GRI content index

Statement of use

a.s.r. has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period starting on 1 January 2022 and lasting up to and including 31 December 2022.

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

1. The organisation and its reporting practices
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
2-1Organizational details6.1.1 General information
2-2Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting6.7.9 List of principal group companies and associetes
7.6 About this report
2-3Reporting period, frequency and contact point7.6 About this report
Contact details
Publication date 22 March 2023
2-4Restatements of information7.6 About this report
2-5External assurance7.2 Assurance report of the independent auditor
7.6 About this report
2. Activities and workers
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationships2.1 The story of a.s.r.
2.2 Business portfolio
2.6 Key stakeholders
3.1 Becomming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
The most material part of a.s.r.'s supply chain consists of its investment opportunities as described in the chapter 3.2 Being a responsible investor.
2-7Employees7.5 Facts and figuresOmission, information unavailable: a.s.r. does not report about non-guaranteed hours employees because, in the case of a.s.r., this is not a standard employment contract. a.s.r. mainly has full time and part time employment contracts. a.s.r. will investigate whether the existing ommission can be resolved before publication of the 2023 Annual report.
2-8Workers who are not employeesOmission, information unavailable: a.s.r. has an extensive network of intermediaries and subcontractors that fall under the GRI definition of 'workers'. It is not possible to report the requested information yet. a.s.r. will investigate whether the existing ommission can be resolved before publication of the 2023 Annual Report.
3. Governance
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
2-9Governance structure and composition5.1 Corporate governance
5.2 Supervisory Board report
2-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance body5.1 Corporate governance
5.2 Supervisory Board report
2-11Chair of the highest governance body5.1 Corporate governance
2-12Chair of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts5.1 Corporate governance
5.2 Supervisory Board report
Within a.s.r., the CEO is ultimately responsible for the ESG policy and the impacts realised as a result. Shaping policy and targets is delegated to the Sustainability Workforce. The Nomination & ESG Committee of the Supervisory Board exercises an advisory and monitoring role in the field of ESG policy and results towards the Executive Board.
2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts5.1 Corporate governance
5.2 Supervisory Board report
Within a.s.r., the CEO is ultimately responsible for the ESG policy and the impacts realised as a result. Shaping policy and targets is delegated to the Sustainability Workforce. The Nomination & ESG Committee of the Supervisory Board exercises an advisory and monitoring role in the field of ESG policy and results towards the Executive Board.
2-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting5.1 Corporate governance
5.2 Supervisory Board report
2-15Conflicts of interest5.1 Corporate governance
2-16Communication of critical concerns4.8 Compliance
5.1 Corporate governance
The Compliance Manager has direct lines to both the CEO and the SB chairman to communicate critical concerns. Omission, information unavailable: a.s.r. does report the amount of internally critical concerns reported to the highest governance board. The amount of externally critical concerns is not yet reported. a.s.r. will investigate whether the existing ommission can be resolved before publication of the 2023 Annual report.
2-17Collective knowledge of the highest governancy body5.1 Corporate governance
2-18Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body5.1 Corporate governance
2-19Remuneration policies5.3 Remuneration report
2-20Process to determine remuneration5.3 Remuneration report
2-21Annual total compensation ratio5.3 Remuneration report
7.5 Facts and figures
Omission, information incomplete: a.s.r. cannot capture the development of the pay ratio as referred to in article b (based on median income) because this information was not reported in previous years. As of this year, the pay ratio confrom in accordance with GRI 2021 has started to be been reported. As a result, development will be visible from as of next year.
4. Strategy, policies and practices
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
2-22Statement on sustainable development strategy1 Message from the CEO
2.3 Key trends impactiing a.s.r.'s operations
2.4 Value creation model
2.5 Strategic targets and performance
2.7 Material topics and SDG's
5.1 Corporate governance
2-23Policy commitments3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
4.8 Compliance
2-24Embedding policy commitments3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
4.8 Compliance
5.1 Corporate governance
2-25Processes to remediate negative impacts3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
3.4 Informing the investor community
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
4.9 Environmental performance
2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns3.5 Operating as a trusted company
4.8 Compliance
2-27Compliance with laws and regulations3.5 Operating as a trusted company
4.8 Compliance
This reporting disclosure is not applicable for a.s.r. as there were no significant instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations in 2022.
2-28Membership associations3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
7.6 About this report
5. Stakeholders engagement
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
2-29Approach to stakeholder engagement2.7 Material topics and SDGs
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
2-30Collective bargaining agreements3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
7.5 Facts and figures
The entire a.s.r. population (100%) is covered by the collective labour agreement.

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021

GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-1Process to determine material topics2.7 Material topics and SDGs
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
3-2List of material topics2.7 Material topics and SDGs
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016
Material topic: Robust financial framework
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.4 Informing the investor community
6 Financial statements
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
201-1Direct economic value generated and distributed2.5 Strategic targets and performance
3.5 Informing the investor community
6.2 Consolidated financial statements
201-2Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change4.7 Risk management
4.9 Environmental performance
6.8 Risk management
201-3Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plansNot applicableDefined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans are not a material topic for a.s.r.
201-4Financial assistance received from governmentNot applicablea.s.r. does not receive any financial assistence from government.
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016
Material topic: Socially responsible investments
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
203-1Infrastructure investments and services supported3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
203-2Significant indirect economic impacts3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
GRI 207: Tax 2019
Material topic: Robust financial framework
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
207-1Approach to tax3.5 Operating as a trusted compancy
207-2Tax governance, control, and risk managementOmssion, not applicable: no specific tax audits have occured.
207-3Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax3.5 Operating as a trusted compancy
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
207-4Country-by-country reportingNot applicableOmission. Country-by-country reporting is not applicable for a.s.r. since it operates almost exclusively in the Netherlands.
GRI 302: Energy 2016
Material topic: Mititgating and adapting to the consequences of climate change
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
4.9 Environmental performance
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
302-1Energy consumption within the organization4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
As an insurance company, a.s.r. mainly uses energy to keep its offices operational (e.g. cooling and heating). The electricity consumption is expressed in kWh. Gas consumption is expressed in m3
302-2Energy consumption outside of the organization4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
302-3Energy intensity4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
a.s.r.’s goal is to consume a maximum of 50 kWh/m2 gross floor area + atriums by 2030. This is in line with the Paris-agreement.
302-4Reduction of energy consumption4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
a.s.r. has formulated a CO2- eq target with 2018 as the base year. The target year for energy consumption is 2030.
302-5Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesNot applicableProducts and services produced by a.s.r. do not directly consume energy.
GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016
Material topic: Biodiversity and ecosystem services
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.2 Being a responsible investor
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
304-1Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areasNot applicablea.s.r. does not own, lease, or manage operational sites in or adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
304-2Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity4.7 Risk management
4.9 Environmental performance
Omission: Information incomplete. In the coming period, the impact of a.s.r.'s activities on biodiversity will be investigated and will be reported in 2024 at the latest.
304-3Habitats protected or restored--Omission: Information unavailable. In the coming period, the impact of a.s.r.'s activities on biodiversity will be investigated and will be reported in 2024 at the latest.
304-4IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations--Omission: Information unavailable. In the coming period, the impact of a.s.r.'s activities on biodiversity will be investigated and will be reported in 2024 at the latest.
GRI 305: Emissions 2016
Material topic: Mitigating and adapting the consequences of climate change
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
4.9 Environmental performance
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
a.s.r. only reports CO2-eq emissions because other emissions are not materially relevant.
305-2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
a.s.r. only reports CO2-eq emissions because other emissions are not materially relevant.
305-3Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
a.s.r. only reports CO2-eq emissions because other emissions are not materially relevant.
305-4GHG emissions intensity4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
Omission: Information is incomplete. a.s.r. does not use energy intension numbers for its own energy usage, instead GHG emission intensity numbers are used. For investments ton CO2-eq/m is used.
305-5Reduction of GHG emissions4.9 Environmental performance
7.5 Facts and figures
The GHG reduction per year can be derived from the figures in section 7.5 of this annual report. a.s.r. has chosen 2018 as the base year because it signed the Svalbard Ambition in that year.
305-6Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)Not applicableGiven a.s.r.'s business activities, emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are not material for a.s.r.
305-7Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissionsNot applicableGiven a.s.r.'s business activities, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions are not material for a.s.r.
GRI 401: Employment 2016
Material topic: Contributing to (sustainable) employability
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
401-1New employee hires and employee turnover3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
7.5 Facts and figures
Omission: Information unavailabe. a.s.r. publishes new employee and turnover figures on a total level as vacancies filled by external candidates. Employee turnover is reported as percentage, a distinction is made in voluntary and involuntary turnover. No distinction is made between age, gender and region. Systems and reports need to be developed or adapted to report the requested information.
401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employeesNot applicablea.s.r. makes no distinction between full-time and part-time employees. All benefits are laid down in the CLA that applies to every a.s.r. employee.
401-3Parental leave--Omission, information unavailable. detailed information on the extent to which parental facilities are used is not available. Parental leave is part of a.s.r.'s CLA.
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018
Material topic: Supporting vitality
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics
3.1 Aspiring to be the best financial service provider
3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
403-1Occupational health and safety management system3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforceGiven the nature of the work within a.s.r., occupational health and safety is mainly focused on creating a working environment in which both internal and external employees feel safe. a.s.r. monitors the feeling of safety among employees via e-Mood measurements throughout the year.
403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigationNot applicableGiven a.s.r.'s business activities, work-related hazards and hazardous situations are not material for a.s.r.
403-3Occupational health services3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforceGiven the nature of the work within a.s.r., occupational health and safety is mainly focused on creating a working environment in which both internal and external employees feel safe. a.s.r. monitors the feeling of safety among employees via e-Mood measurements throughout the year.
403-4Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforcea.s.r. complies with the Dutch Working Conditions Act defining healthy and safe working conditions. In addition, a.s.r. takes responsibility for a healthy and safe workplace when working from home by lending office furniture.
403-5Worker training on occupational health and safety3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforceThe online a.s.r. acadamy contains a wide range of training and education courses from which a.s.r. employees can choose. Some of these training courses relate to working safely, recognising stress in the workplace. There is also a wide range of opportunities to improve employee vitality through a.s.r. Vitality. The vitality programme in which a.s.r. employees can participate free of charge.
403-6Promotion of worker health3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforceThe online a.s.r. acadamy contains a wide range of training and education courses from which a.s.r. employees can choose. Some of these training courses relate to working safely, recognising stress in the workplace. There is also a wide range of opportunities to improve employee vitality through a.s.r. Vitality. The vitality programme in which a.s.r. employees can participate free of charge.
403-7Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationshipsNot applicableGiven a.s.r.'s business activities, occupational health and safety impacts directly related to activities, products or services by business relationships, and the related hazards and risks are not material for a.s.r.
403-8Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemNot applicablea.s.r. has no occupational health and safety system implemented.
403-9Work-related injuriesNot applicableGiven the nature of work within a.s.r. (mainly desk work), work-related accidents are not a material issue for the organisation.
403-10Work-related ill health3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforceWithin a.s.r., extra attention is given to preventing psychological absenteeism by focusing on a safe workplace and promoting inclusiveness so that everyone feels at home. When pshychic absenteeism does occur, careful counselling takes place.
GRI 404: Training and education 2016
Material topic: Contributing to (sustainable) employability.
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics
3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
404-1Average hours of training per year per employee3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
7.5 Facts and figures
Omission: Information incomplete. Information on training by gender and/or employee category is not available. When reporting on training hours per FTE, a.s.r. does not distinguish between women and men because the starting point is that everyone should have equal opportunities.
404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
404-3Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforceOmission: Information incomplete. Information about the percentage of the total workforce per gender and per employee category that has had a periodic performance and career development reviews is not available. Management annually discusses with all employees their progress, including the following career steps.
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
Material topic: Fostering diversity and inclusion.
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
5.1 Corporate Governance
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employees7.5 Facts and figures
405-2Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men--Omission: Information incomplete.a.s.r. reports the hourly wages of men and women at different levels in the organisation in euros. From this, the requested ratios can be derived. In addition to this reporting, a.s.r. has published Gender GAP analyses showing that women and men are remunerated equally.
GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016
Material topic: Fostering diversity and inclusion
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.3 Creating a vital and futureproof workforce
5.1 Corporate Governance
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
406-1Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenOmission, information unavailable. a.s.r. will investigate whether the existing ommission can be resolved before publication of the 2023 Annual Report.
GRI 413: Local communities 2016
Material topic: Contributing to financial self-reliance.
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
7.5 Facts and figures
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
413-1Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
3.5 Operating as a trusted company
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
Omission, data unavailable: At the moment, the necessary data is not yet available. a.s.r. will investigate whether the existing ommission can be resolved before publication of the 2023 Annual Report.
413-2Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communitiesNot applicablea.s.r. has no operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities.
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016
Material topics: Meeting customer needs. Socially responsible investments. Developing and promoting sustainable products/services
GRIDisclosure Annual ReportNotes
3-3Management of material topics2.4 Value creation model
2.7 Material topics and SDGs
3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
4.9 Environmental performance
7.9 Materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue
417-1Requirements for product and service information and labeling3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
Omission not applicable: As a service provider in the insurance market, some of the information requested here is not relevant to a.s.r. No figures are reported on the proportion of products with a social or environmental impact.
417-2Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling3.1 Becoming the best financial service provider
3.2 Being a responsible investor
6.7 Other notes
7.5 Facts and figures
Information incomplete because a.s.r. does not publish figures on incidents of non-compliance and any resulting action. a.s.r. will investigate whether the existing ommission can be resolved before publication of the 2023 Annual report.
417-3Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communicationsOmission, not applicable: a.s.r. did not actively collect the requested data. Future work will look at how reporting can be completed on this component.