Annual Report 2022
€STREuro Short-Term Rate
A&RCAudit & Risk Committee
AEXAmsterdam Exchange Index
AFActuarial Function
AFMDutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten)
AGMAnnual General Meeting
AIFMAlternative Investment Fund Managers
AIFMDAlternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
AMXAmsterdam Midcap Index
AuMAssets under Management
AVBa.s.r. Asset management
BECBusiness Executive Committee
BMRBenchmarks Regulation
bpsBasis points
BRCBusiness Risk Committee
BVPADutch Association for Public Affairs (Beroepsvereniging voor Public Affairs)
CCRCounterparty Credit Rating (Standard & Poor's)
CDDCustomer Due Diligence
CDPCarbon Disclosure Project
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFOChief Financial Officer
CGUCash Generating Unit
CISCentral Information System
CJEUCourt of Justice of the European Union
CLACollective Labour Agreement
CO₂Carbon dioxide
CO₂-eqCO₂ equivalent
CoCCost of Capital
COOChief Operating Officer
CORCombined Ratio
COSOCommittee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
CROChief Risk Officer
CSACredit Support Annex
CSMContractual service margin
CSPConcentrated Solar Power
CSRCorporate Social Responsibility
CSRDCorporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
CTOChief Technology Officer
DBDefined Benefit
DCDefined Contribution
DCFDiscounted Cash Flow
DEIDiversity, equity and inclusion
DJSIS&P Global Dow Jones Sustainability Index
DNBDutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank)
DPAData Protection Authority
DPFDiscretionary participation features
EBExecutive Board
ECEuropean Commission
EEAEuropean Economic Area
EGMExtraordinary General Meeting
EIOPAEuropean Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
eNPSEmployee Net Promoter Score
EOFEligible own funds
EONIAEuro OverNight Index Average
ERMEnterprise Risk Management
ESGEnvironmental, Social and Governance
ESPPEmployee Share Purchase Plan
EUEuropean Union
EU SFAPEuropean Sustainable Finance Action Plan
EuriborEuro Interbank Offered Rate
FRFinancial risk
FRCFinancial Risk Committee
FRMFinancial Risk Management
FRPMFinance, Risk & Performance Management
FSCBFinancial Services Complaints Board
FTEFull-Time Equivalent
GBPPound Sterling
GBSMGroup Balance Sheet Management
GDPGross Domestic Product
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
GHGGreenhouse gas
GISGeographic Information System
GMGeneral model
GRESBGlobal Real Estate Survey Benchmark
GRIGlobal Reporting Initiative
GRMGroup Risk Management
GWPGross Written Premiums
IASInternational Accounting Standards
IASBInternational Accounting Standards Board
IBNRIncurred but not reported
IBORInterbank offered rate
ICTInformation and Communications Technology
IDDInsurance Distribution Directive
IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards
IFSRInsurer Financial Strength Rating (Standard & Poor's)
IIRCInternational Integrated Reporting Council
IORPInstitution for Occupational Retirement Provision; Premiepensioeninstelling
IPOInitial Public Offering
ISDAInternational Swaps and Derivatives Association
ISINInternational Securities Identification Number
ITInformation Technology
IUInvestor Update
KNMIRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut)
KPIKey Performance Indicator
LAC DTLoss-Absorbing Capacity Deferred Tax
LATLiability Adequacy Test
LoCLevel of Concern
LTONetherlands Agricultural and Horticultural Association (Land- en Tuinbouw Organisatie Nederland)
LTVLoan to Value
M&AMergers and Acquisitions
MSCIMorgan Stanley Capital International
N&ESGCNomination & Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
NABNetherlands Advisory Board on impact investing
NFRNon-financial risk
NFRCNon-Financial Risk Committee
NGONon-governmental organisation
NPSNet Promoter Score
NSRDutch Debt Assistance Route (Nederlandse Schuldhulproute)
NZIANet-Zero Insurance Alliance
OCCOrganic Capital Creation
OCIOther Comprehensive Income
ORMOperational Risk Management
ORSAOwn Risk and Solvency Assessment
OTSOSupervised entity (Onder toezicht staande onderneming)
P&CProperty & Casualty
PARPProduct Approval & Review Process
PCAFPartnership for Carbon Accounting Financials
PVFCFPresent Value of Future Cash Flows
RASRisk Appetite Statements
RCRemuneration Committee
RCFRevolving Credit Facility
RMFRisk Management Framework
ROEReturn on Equity
RVUEarly Retirement Regulation (Regeling voor vervroegde uittreding)
S&PStandard & Poor's
SAAStrategic Asset Allocation
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SBSupervisory Board
SBBShare buyback
SBTiScience-Based Targets initiative
SCRSolvency Capital Requirement
SDGsSustainable Development Goals
SERDutch Social and Economic Council (Sociaal Economische Raad)
SFDRSustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
SIRASystematic integrity risk analysis
SMESmall and medium-sized Enterprises
SPPISolely Payment of Principle and Interest
SPVSpecial purpose vehicle
SRAStrategic risk analysis
SRISocially Responsible Investment
TCFDTask Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
TVOGTime value of financial options and guarantees
UFRUltimate Forward Rate
UN PRIUnited Nations Principles for Responsible Investments
UNGCUnited Nations Global Compact
USUnited States
USDUnited States Dollar
UWVEmployee Insurance Agency
VAVolatility Adjustment
VATValue Added Tax
VBDODutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling)
VFAVariable fee approach
VKGVan Kampen Groep
VNABInsurance Exchange Association (Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs)
VOBAValue of Business Acquired
VPLAct Early retirement and life-course savings scheme (Wet aanpassing fiscale behandeling Vut/Prepensioen en introductie levensloopregeling)
WCAGWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines
WftWet financieel toezicht (Financial Supervision Act)
WIAWork and Income according to Labour Capacity Act (Wet Werk en Inkomen naar Arbeidsvermogen)