Annual Report 2022
a.s.r. foundation

a.s.r. is committed to promote the inclusion of different target groups, including socially vulnerable people. It helps people to make well-considered financial choices in order to prevent them from getting into debt or to help them get out of debt. a.s.r. encourages its employees to contribute to society alongside their work individually, in a team or at home. Employees are provided hours and financial resources for this on an annual basis, by focusing its activities on:

  • Financial self-reliance: reading to and teaching children and young people to promote their financial education and providing support to households in debt or at risk of getting into debt.

  • 'Helping by doing' by inspiring, motivating and mobilising a.s.r. employees to voluntarily engage in the work of community-based organisations.

Financial self-reliance

Many Dutch people struggle to stay on top of their finances. A disorganised personal administration increases the risk of getting into debt. a.s.r. foundation therefore supports households with (a risk of problematical) debts. Half of all people with financial problems have a low literacy rate. a.s.r. believes that financial education and developing language in children and young people is crucial and helps parents to teach their children to become financially literate. In 2022, 224 (2021: 155) a.s.r. employees have volunteered 4,074 (2021: 3,375) hours, for example by giving guest lectures at school orby becoming a financial buddy (Schuldhulpmaatje).

Helping by doing

There are many vulnerable groups in the Netherlands who need help and encouragement to get by. Community-based organisations which provide such support often depend on volunteers. a.s.r. therefore encourages its employees to give their time and effort voluntarily to these causes. Volunteers can get involved in social activities either individually or as part of a team. Each year, a.s.r. provides teams to assist community-based organisations, e.g. by harvesting pears at Reinaerde care centres or taking residents from the Careyn Rosendael care home for a day out at the beach. Finally, a.s.r. also supports initiatives by employees who volunteer during their own time on behalf of a community-based organisation by means of an incentive (encouragement) plan. In 2022, 1,038 (2021: 476) a.s.r. employees volunteered in 118 (2021: 38) different activities.