Annual Report 2022
Cash and cash equivalents

See accounting policy Y.

Cash and cash equivalents
31 December 202231 December 2021
Due from banks1,6451,306
Due from banks falling due within three months6001,000
Total cash and cash equivalents2,2452,306

a.s.r. has cash amounting to 600 million (2021: 1,000 million) that has been received as part of a securities lending programme, but does not qualify for derecognition. For more information see chapter All other cash and cash equivalents are freely available.

The cash components include 249 million (2021: 1,892 million) related to cash collateral received on derivative instruments and is managed separately from other cash equivalents. The decrease in these cash components was caused by the decrease in value of derivatives, as a result of which collateral was refunded.

The claim related to cash collateral paid on derivative instruments is included in the amount loans and receivables, see chapter 6.5.8. Debt related to cash collateral on derivatives instruments is included in the amount due to banks, see chapter 6.5.21.

Interest expenses on cash collateral is mainly based on €STR (2021: EONIA/€STR).