Annual Report 2022
Investment income

See accounting policy DD.

Breakdown of investment income per category
Interest income from receivables due from credit institutions99110
Interest income from investments371331
Interest income from amounts due from customers325278
Interest income from derivatives660574
Other interest income4154
Interest income1,4971,347
Dividend on equities8278
Dividend on real estate equity funds7158
Dividend on mortgage equity funds2221
Rentals from investment property5864
Other investment income33
Dividend and other investment income236224
Total Investment income1,7321,571

The effective interest method has been applied to an amount of 789 million (2021: 715 million) of the interest income from financial assets not classified at fair value through profit or loss. Included within interest income is 3 million (2021: 4 million) of interest received on impaired fixed-income securities.