Annual Report 2022
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated balance sheet
(in millions and before profit appropriation)Note31 December 202231 December 2021
Intangible assets6.5.1418428
Property, plant and equipment6.5.2679556
Investment property6.5.36642,052
Associates and joint ventures at equity method6.5.479102
Investments on behalf of policyholders6.5.69,91211,574
Investments related to investment contracts6.5.72,0001,952
Loans and receivables6.5.817,17115,259
Deferred tax assets6.5.10119-
Reinsurance contracts6.5.15357417
Other assets6.5.11828631
Cash and cash equivalents6.5.122,2452,306
Total assets65,53975,040
Share capital6.5.132422
Share premium reserve6.5.131,533956
Unrealised gains and losses6.5.13-9221,461
Actuarial gains and losses6.5.13-168-1,055
Retained earnings5,3335,061
Treasury shares6.5.13-79-83
Equity attributable to shareholders5,7226,363
Other equity instruments6.5.131,0041,004
Equity attributable to holders of equity instruments6,7267,366
Non-controlling interests2718
Total equity6,7537,385
Subordinated liabilities6.5.141,980992
Liabilities arising from insurance contracts6.5.1529,63337,797
Liabilities arising from insurance contracts on behalf of policyholders6.5.1513,00714,566
Liabilities arising from investment contracts6.5.162,0001,952
Employee benefits6.5.172,7424,013
Deferred tax liabilities6.5.10-69
Due to customers6.5.20471573
Due to banks6.5.212,2625,741
Other liabilities6.5.22938976
Total liabilities58,78767,655
Total equity and liabilities65,53975,040

The numbers following the line items refer to the relevant chapters in the notes.