a.s.r.'s purpose is to help its customers by sharing risks and accumulating capital for later. a.s.r. serves over 4.3 million customers through a network of approximately 6,000 advisors, and through online channels. These independent financial advisors advise their clients in the field of insurance, mortgages and pensions. Their specific knowledge of the local market and the personal financial situation of their clients, is valuable for a.s.r. and its customers. In creating sustainable value, it is essential to maintain an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders regarding trends, developments and the strategy and activities of a.s.r.
a.s.r. believes that through its business operations, it can contribute to solving societal issues within its sphere of influence, taking sustainable value as its starting point. a.s.r. wants to create as much of a positive impact as possible and to reduce its negative impact wherever it can. a.s.r. believes it is important to set an example, to help society to become more sustainable.