2023 annual report
3.5.4Political engagement

a.s.r. operates in nearly all Dutch insurance markets and aims to maintain cordial and transparent working relationships with stakeholders in those markets, public and private.

In fulfilling its role within civil society and as contributor to the “polder” model -the consultative policymaking processes of Dutch politics- a.s.r. values a balanced dialogue with national interest groups, grass-roots initiatives, and legislators. Also, a.s.r. engages in direct contacts with formal government counterparts such as regulatory bodies, government agencies and policy makers. a.s.r. is registered with the EU transparency registry.

The Dutch political year 2023 marked the continuation of several longstanding legislative reforms in healthcare, labour market and housing and, most notably, the implementation of a long-awaited new pensions system which entered into force on July 1, 2023. Since the summer of 2023, Dutch politics have been characterised by the resignation of the Rutte IV cabinet and the resulting elections in November. Until a new ruling coalition is formed, the care-taker government will continue current policies with a light touch whilst newly elected parliamentarians settle in and familiarize themselves via dialogue and exchanges with civil society and private sector.

a.s.r. requires that public affairs, lobbying and political network activities all conform to the highest standards. And to this end a.s.r. is a signatory of the Code of Conduct of the Dutch Association for Public Affairs (Beroepsvereniging voor Public Affairs; BVPA) and the Dutch Insurers Code of Conduct.

On occasion, a.s.r. will enter the public debate on matters that are closely linked to the fundamentals of its core markets. In early 2023, a.s.r. recommended that the government recognize institutional investors’ considerations when pursuing the political goal of an increase in social housing stock. And in late 2023, a.s.r. chose to publicly emphasize the need for society to re-assess the insurability of looming healthcare costs that accompany demographic change.

More generally, a.s.r. contributes to the political dialogue on industry standards, compliance and other policy developments via its membership and participation in the various business associations that reflect a.s.r. operations, such as:

  • Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars): 2,269,000 (2022: 2,460,000);

  • Dutch Association of Institutional Investors in Real Estate (Vereniging van Institutionele Beleggers in Vastgoed): 50,000 (2022: 50,000);

  • Dutch Association of Healthcare Insurers (Zorgverzekeraars Nederland): 601,000 (2022: 653,000);

  • Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association:29,000;

  • Dutch Association of Investors in Sustainable Development (Vereniging van Beleggers in Duurzame Ontwikkeling): 15,000.

In 2023, the total membership fees to these business associations amount to 2.96 million (2022: 2.46 million).

In line with its Code of Conduct, a.s.r. does not contribute financially to Dutch political parties.

Linked to its membership of Dutch Association of Insurers, a.s.r. is also included in the VNO-NCW which is assigned a formal role in the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER), the body that provides official advice on social economic issues to the Dutch government and parliament.