2023 annual report
5.1.6Sustainability governance

a.s.r. aims to embed sustainability in all its core processes and activities. In order to continue to drive and monitor sustainability in all its aspects within a.s.r., sustainability has been earmarked as a strategic topic. Within the EB and MB, the CEO is ultimately responsible for a.s.r.’s sustainability themes. The Sustainability Workforce, coordinated by the corporate sustainability team, supports the CEO in his responsibility for the development and implementation of a.s.r.’s sustainability strategy and policies. This workforce includes delegates from the business as well as staff functions. It reports quarterly on a set of sustainability KPIs and targets to the MB, which evaluates the results achieved and takes action where necessary. The MB also sets strategic sustainability targets as part of the total set of financial and non-financial KPIs. Each year, the SB, with advice from the Nomination & ESG Committee, discusses and approves the strategic non-financial targets and progress made in these specific areas. a.s.r.'s sustainability team coordinates the implementation together with the workforce. All members of the workforce subsequently promote these strategy, policies and targets within their own focus areas.

Furthermore, the Sustainability Committee, an advisory body for dealing with a.s.r.-wide sustainability issues and dilemmas, is embedded in a.s.r.'s governance. The committee deals with dilemmas, complications and conflicting interests in the field of sustainability (including ESG and CDD/KYC), making decision-making regarding these sustainability issues more transparent for the EB, MB and SB. The committee meets at least every quarter; an emergency procedure applies to agenda items that cannot be postponed until the next quarterly meeting.