Prior to the Aegon NL transition, ASR Nederland NV had a Works Council in place, with nine subcommittees for the various business units. This was also the situation in 2023, until the employer integration as part of the integration of a.s.r. and Aegon NL. The Works Council discussed issues with the Executive Board that were relevant to the entire organisation, while the subcommittees dealt with issues relating to their specific business units. The Employee Council included representatives of the subcommittees and the Works Council.
As a result of the acquisition of Aegon NL, it was deemed necessary to restructure a.s.r.'s employee participation. A proposal for this was made by the a.s.r. Works Council together with the Aegon Central Works Council, which was implemented in consultation with the Executive Board. Following the employer integration, the new structure was launched. Until the end of 2024, the employee participation body will consist of:
A Central Works Council of a.s.r. (Central Works Council), in which six members of a.s.r.’s Works Council have a seat together with six members of Aegon’s Central Works Council;
The nine subcommittees of a.s.r., which continue to have the same set-up, namely Mortgages, Disability, Life & Funeral, Pensions, Non-life, Health, IT&C, Finance, and Other business units;
Aegon's Works Councils, which are also represented on the Central Works Council; these are the Aegon NL, Knab, Mortgages, TKP and Aegon Cappital Works Councils;
The Employee Council remains in place, comprising the 12 members of the Central Works Council and representatives of the subcommittees.