2023 annual report

At the heart of a.s.r.’s strategy is long-term value creation for its key stakeholders: customers and intermediaries, employees, shareholders, and society. a.s.r. is ambitious and wants to become the key pensions player in the Netherlands, a leading mortgage lender and a leader in sustainability. It sees opportunities to strengthen its position and grow further in Property & Casualty (P&C), Disability and Asset Management in the coming years. a.s.r. also wants to expand its role in the value chain with its distribution and service companies. In Health, Individual life and Funeral, a.s.r.'s ambition is to maintain its current position. Central to the above is a.s.r.'s premise to put value over volume.

a.s.r. wants to be the best financial service provider for customers and advisors, and offers simple and transparent products and services that meet their needs. a.s.r. closely works with intermediaries who know customers’ personal situations well and can give them the best advice. It is key to build excellent relationships with advisors, who, especially in the growth markets of P&C, disability, pensions and mortgages, continue to play a vital role in serving its customers. a.s.r. also offers customers the possibility of arranging matters for themselves, quickly and easily, in the digital a.s.r. environment, through personal contact.

a.s.r. is cost-efficient and financially sound. It handles the money that customers entrust to it with care and it needs to be financially strong in order to meet its obligations and ensure continuity for customers and employees. a.s.r. offers shareholders the prospect of a fair return.

Sustainability is integrated in a.s.r.'s day-to-day operations. As a large insurer, a.s.r. wants to contribute to solving societal issues. It identified three areas in which it can make the biggest impact:

  1. Financial self-reliance and inclusion

    a.s.r. helps people take risks responsibly and make conscious financial choices in order to prevent or get out of debt. It pays attention to the inclusion of various target groups, including vulnerable groups.

  2. Vitality and sustainable employability

    a.s.r. is committed to avoiding illness, absenteeism and disability among employees, employers and its (healthcare) customers. This allows people to remain healthy for longer and continue to contribute to society. a.s.r. creates opportunities for its employees so that they can continue to develop themselves and increase their opportunities in the labour market, both inside and outside a.s.r.

  3. Sustainable living 

    a.s.r. helps customers through its insurance products and advice on how to live more sustainably. As a major investor, it invests in activities that reduce climate impact, support the energy transition and restore biodiversity, hereby reducing climate risk. a.s.r. also pays attention to the environmental impact of its offices, transport and procurement within its own operations.