2023 annual report
3.1.2Prevention of payment problems

a.s.r. makes considerable efforts to ensure that its customers are financially self-reliant. a.s.r. aims to minimise the number of customer cancellations caused by payment arrears and problems. It works to prevent situations in which customers face cost-increasing measures and to avoid default.

Through the memberships and coalitions mentioned hereafter, a.s.r. shares experience and learns from the experiences of companies in other sectors. This leads to better coordination of customer processes and enables a.s.r. to provide a better customer service.

In 2021, a.s.r. implemented the Protocol on payment arrears (Protocol bij betalingsachterstanden) of the Dutch Association of Insurers. A working group shares relevant market information and business practices.

For some years now, a.s.r. has been part of the Creditors' Coalition (Schuldeiserscoalitie), which works proactively to find solutions for customers with payment arrears.

In 2022 a.s.r. became a member of the Dutch Debt Relief Route (Nederlandse Schuldhulproute; NSR). NSR provides debt assistance through various activities. One of these is Geldfit, a national initiative focusing on effective referral to other financial support organisations at local level. Customers gain insight into their financial situation through a simple online test. This anonymous test offers them targeted help in getting or keeping their finances in order.

In order to give customers as much help as possible in preventing or resolving their repayment problems, employees are trained to recognise the financial problems being experienced by customers and to refer them on for advice. Last year, such training courses were attended by the customer teams in Health and Individual life. They have also previously been given to the customer teams in Disability and Mortgages. a.s.r. keeps a close eye on the customer's financial situation.