Financial statements
In this section:
Consolidated financial statements
Accounting policies
Group structure and segment information
Notes to the consolidated balance sheet
- Intangible assets
- Property, plant and equipment
- Investment property
- Associates and joint ventures
- Investments
- Investments related to direct participating insurance contracts
- Derivatives
- Deferred taxes
- Other assets
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Equity
- Subordinated liabilities
- Insurance contract liabilities and reinsurance contract assets
- Liabilities arising from direct participating insurance contracts
- Employee benefits
- Provisions
- Borrowings
- Savings deposits
- Due to banks
- Other liabilities
Notes to the consolidated income statement
- Insurance contract revenue
- Insurance service expenses
- Net expenses from reinsurance contracts
- Direct investment income
- Net fair value gains and (losses)
- Impairments
- Net finance income and expenses from (re)insurance contracts
- Other finance expenses
- Fee income
- Other income
- Operating and other expenses
- Income tax expense
Other notes
Risk management
Capital management
Operating result
Company financial statements