a.s.r. has chosen to focus on six of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are the goals to which a.s.r. can realise the greatest impact for its stakeholders: customers, employees, investors and society. |
| a.s.r. believes it is important to contribute to the prevention and resolution of financial problems. a.s.r. does this by proactively offering a solution to customers with payment arrears, and by making an active contribution to their financial self-reliance. More information is available in section 3.1.2.a.s.r. also supports people through Doenkracht, by teaching and providing support to help people with reading and arithmetic and by teaching people how to deal with money issues and keep their financial records in order. |
| a.s.r. offers health and disability insurance to everyone who lives and works in the Netherlands. It contributes to the development of new medicines through impact investments. a.s.r. also works to prevent illness, It does so by helping customers and employees improve their health and vitality, through a.s.r. Vitality and various health programmes relating to exercise, sports and sleep. In addition, a.s.r. contributes to the sustainable employability of employees of customers by guiding reintegration processes and by offering preventive services to avoid (long-term) sickness, such as the annual prevention check as part of the Absenteeism Relief Insurance (Verzuim Ontzorg Verzekering). a.s.r. holds approximately 36,000 absenteeism insurances in the provincial channel, of which 9,000 are SME Absenteeism Relief Insurance policies. The prevention check is conducted annually for existing and new clients. By 2023, approximately 9,000 prevention checks will have been performed for both existing and new customers. |
| a.s.r. Strives to make a positive contribution to the energy transition and combating climate change. It does so in various ways, for example through its impact investments, such as the purchase of wind farms in the Netherlands. It has also improved the sustainability of residential units in recent years, such as insulation and investments in on-site sustainable energy generation. In 2023, 2,367 solar panels were installed on existing homes, shops and offices. a.s.r. also invests in sustainable new housing.As a mortgage lender, a.s.r. offers the sustainability mortgage as a standard product with an a.s.r. mortgage. This makes it easier for customers to make their homes more sustainable, since the mortgage is covered by a reduced interest rate. The money is available for two years and the customer does not have to pay interest on the unused portion. In 2023, 31% of new mortgage customers added a sustainable component to their mortgage to make their homes more sustainable. |