Annual Report 2021
Sustainable value creation
Working conditions

De Andere Cao

In February 2021, negotiations between a.s.r. and the FNV Finance, the Unie and the CNV Vakmensen trade unions resulted in a new CLA, De Andere Cao 2021-2022. Significant changes included:

  • A work from home regulation, consisting of a check of the home workplace and the possibility of a home workplace on loan, a vitality check and an allowance for working from home.

  • The possibility of taking a sabbatical on partial pay once every five years.

  • Eligibility for the Early Retirement Regulation (RVU).

  • The possibility of remotion (a switch to a different job with the same or a lower salary scale at the employee’s own request).

  • Fixed allowance for commuting expenses replaced with an allowance in arrears for actual distance travelled.

In April 2021, employees received detailed information on the practical effects of the new CLA. See for detailed information.


The new pension scheme, Het Andere Pensioen, entered into force on 1 January 2021. This scheme runs from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2025. In the course of 2021, employees received detailed information on the changes, through a brochure, an individual pension statement, webinars and individual interviews with a pension advisor.

Social plan

In November 2021 a.s.r. and the trade unions agreed upon the continuation of Het Andere Plan, the social plan of a.s.r. The updated version will take effect on 1 January 2022 and will run for three years. The renewed social plan includes agreements to encourage employees to develop themselves further and to take control of their own future if a reorganisation is imminent. A limited number of points in the new social plan have been tightened up or adjusted.